Assisted Matings are a guaranteed way of achieving a mating in the most stress free environment possible. With over 30 years of hands-on breeding experience we are happy to handle any breed of dog to achieve a convenient mating. We can offer Stud Fertility testing before the breeding too.
Price from £50.00
In some circumstances, a natural mating can be difficult to achieve if the bitch / dog is inexperienced or uncomfortable, they may have trouble mating even if physiologically the bitch is ready to mate. Any significant size mismatch between the two, or should either party be dog aggressive, this can be overcome by coming to us for an Assisted Mating (AM). We will use our 30 years of hands-on breeding experience to ensure your bitch / dog achieve a successful and low stress mating. We have handled and bred many different breeds and temperaments in our time.
Save yourself and your dogs the stress of trying to achieve a mating freely, and please get in contact to book your breeding with us.
Price from £50.00
Whilst we do have our own stud dogs or can happily pass on contact details of our clients with studs, we don’t hold a bank of all breeds of semen for public use. A stud dog should be sought and the owners communicated with, prior to the mating.
We would strongly advise progesterone testing prior to any mating be it natural or Assisted to ensure a bitch has ovulated prior. If ovulation hasn’t taken place, there are no eggs available for the semen to meet - so the mating is guaranteed to be unsuccessful.
Unfortunately there are no guarantees when we are working with mother nature. By progesterone testing and fertility testing the male prior to the mating we are ensuring we rule out many elements of chance. The rest has to involve a little bit of luck and fairy dust! (As well as our skilled handy work to ensure a stress free mating).